张双喜 Prof. Zhang, Shuangxi (张双喜教授) Institute of Geophysical Geodesy,School of Geodesy and Geomatics,Wuhan University Key Laboratory of Geospace Environment and Geodesy,Ministry of Education P.R.China Tel: (86-27)68758502 E-mail: shxzhang@sgg.whu.edu.cn
➤ Education(学历)
2002. Ph.D. Geophysics, The University of Hong Kong.
1986. M.A. Geophysics, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan.
1983. B.S.Sc. Engineering Geophysics, Chinese University of Geosciences, Wuhan.
➤ Teaching(教学)
Undergraduate Teaching(本科生教授课程)
① Geothermics
② Exploration Geophysics
③ An Introduction to Applied Geosciences
④ Internal Earth Physics
Postgraduate Teaching(研究生教授课程)
① Advanced Geothermics
② Applied Geophysics
③ Urban Geophysics
➤Research Interests(研究方向)
Theory and applications of seismology
Structure and evolution of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle
Urban Geophysics Study
Forward Modeling and Inversion of Rayleigh Waves
Geothermical Activity of Wenchuan Earthquake
Simulation of Multiple Geophysical Fields in Earth Activities
➤ RecentResearch Projects(近10年部分科研项目)
国家自然科学基金面上项目, 42074176, 基于多要素的城市地球物理多场耦合时变特征研究,2021.01-2024.12. 项目主持.
国家自然科学基金重点项目, U1939204, 我国南北地震带地壳介质变化与强震发生的关系研究,2020.01-2023.12. 项目参与.
国家自然科学基金面上项目,41874169,基于电磁波复介电频散精确估计城市浅地表土壤含水量的技术研究,2019/01-2022/12. 项目主持.
武汉市多要素城市地质调查示范项目“隐伏深大断裂调查及其对城市安全影响研究”, 2019.01-2019.12. 项目主持.
973计划课题,物质迁移的地壳应变应力场响应研究(编号:2013CB733313),2013/01-2017/12. 课题负责人.
国家自然科学基金面上项目,41474093,三峡大坝蓄排水过程对岩石各向异性的动态影响研究,2015/01-2018/12. 项目参与.
武汉市科技局,2013BJ002,基于同伦反演的Rayleigh面波勘查技术研究,2013.12-2014.12. 项目主持.
973计划课题,地表形变场与地下水热参数探测的理论与方法 (编号:2007CB714405),2010.08-2011.12.子课题负责人.
中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金 “楚天学者计划”—“城市地球物理研究”, 2010.10-2013.9. 项目主持.
985计划人才引进课题—"Rayleigh 面波的各向异性特征研究",2008.8-2010.12. 项目主持.
各向异性介质中Rayleigh面波频散特征研究地球空间环境与大地测量, 教育部重点实验室开放基金, 2009.01-2010.12. 项目主持.
Rayleigh面波频散特征的三维提取方法研究特征研究,测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室开放基金, 2009.09-2010.09. 项目主持.
香港国际金融中心二期健康监测系统及其评估, 精密工程与工业测量国家测绘局重点实验室开放基金, 2009.09-2010.09. 项目主持.
➤Research Students(在读研究生)
PhDs(博士生):Hamid HUSSIAN(胡哈米, 巴基斯坦); ZOU Chenyang(邹晨阳); WEI Yu(韦瑜); FU, Daiguang(付代光);
Mphils(硕士生):TANG Jie(唐洁); ZHANG Chi(张弛); YI Xuchong(易旭憧); ZHANG Zhen(张振); LI Qinglong(李庆隆); XIAO Jiahao(肖家豪); CAI Jianfeng(蔡剑锋); ZHANG Qing(张庆); TONG Wenqian(童文倩); GAO Chulin(高楚林);
➤Graduated Students(毕业研究生)
PhDs(博士生):ZHANG Chen(张晨); LI Mengkui(李孟奎); SHEN Ziyu(申子宇); WU Tengfei(吴腾飞); HUA Yujin(滑玉琎);
Mphils(硕士生):XU Yanqing(许燕青); ZHAN Jian(占建); GAO Bingyu(高冰玉); LIU Siying(刘思莹); PEN Chao(彭超); QIN Weibing(秦维秉); WANG Fang(王方); LIU Lingxi(刘灵茜); ZHANG Bo(张波);
➤Journal Papers(期刊论文)
邹晨阳,张双喜,陈芳,待刊.垃圾填埋场垂直防渗帷幕综合检测方法研究[J].环境工程: 1-7.
张弛,张双喜,汪海洪, 2020. 多尺度重力分析伊朗莫霍面及其构造意义[J].大地测量与地球动力学,40(02):182-186.
Wu, T. F.,Zhang, S. X., Cao, Z. J., Li, M. K., Hua, Y. J., Fu, X. Y., Wei, Y., 2020. Lithospheric structure of Hubei Province, central China, from Rayleigh wave tomography: Insight into the spatial contact relationship between the Yangtze plate and the eastern Qinling-Dabie orogenic belt [J]. Geophysical Journal International, 221:1669-1683.[SCI]
Hua, Y. J.,Zhang, S. X.,Li, M. K., Wu, T. F., Liu, L., 2019. Magma system beneath Tengchong volcanic zone inferred from local earthquake seismic tomography [J]. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 377(JUN.1): 1-16.[SCI]
Wu, T. F.,Zhang, S. X.,Li, M. K., Hong, M., Hua, Y. J., 2019. Complex deformation within the crust and upper mantle beneath SE Tibet revealed by anisotropic Rayleigh wave tomography [J]. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 286: 165-178.[SCI]
Hamid HUSSAIN,Zhang, S. X.,Muhammad ABID., 2019. Understanding the hydrocarbon prospect of Buzdar block, Southern Indus basin, Pakistan, by using 2-D seismic data: A case study [J]. Geophysics and Geodesy, 49:249-263.
唐洁,张双喜,邵振峰,邹晨阳,易旭憧.待刊,屋顶形状对街道峡谷微环境影响的数值模拟研究[J].武汉大学学报(信息科学版): 1-8.[EI]
Li, M. K.,Zhang, S. X., Thomas Bodin., Lin, X., Wu, T. F., 2018. Transdimensional inversion of scattered body waves for 1D S-wave velocity structure – Application to the Tengchong volcanic area, Southwestern China [J]. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,159(15): 60-68.[SCI]
Zhang, B.,Zhang, S. X., Wu, T. F., Hua, Y. J., 2018. Upper crustal anisotropy from local shear-wave splitting and crust-mantle coupling of Yunnan, SE margin of Tibetan Plateau[J]. Geodesy and Geodynamics, 9(4): 302-311.
谢萍,张双喜,汪海洪,张朝玉. 2018. 三峡蓄水与降雨量的多尺度效应分析[J].工程勘察, 46(12):41-46.
Hamid Hussain,Zhang, S. X., 2018. Structural Evolution of the Kohat Fold and Thrust Belt in the Shakardarra Area (South Eastern Kohat, Pakistan) [J]. Geosciences, 8:311; doi:10.3390/geosciences8090311.
Hong, M., Shao, D. S., Wu, T. F.,Zhang, S. X., Zhang, Y, Wang, L. Q., Qian, X. D., 2018. Short-impending Earthquake Anomaly Index Extraction of GNSS Continuous Observation Data in Yunnan, Southwestern China [J].Journal of Earth Science, 29(1), 230-236. [SCI]
Qin, W. B.,Zhang, S.X., Li, M. K., Wu, T. F., Zhang, C. Y., 2018. Distribution of intra-crustal low velocity zones beneath Yunnan from seismic ambient noise tomography [J]. Journal of Earth Science, 29(6):1409-1418.[SCI]
Wang, F.,Zhang, S.X., Li, M. K. 2016. Crustal Structure of Yunnan Province of China from Teleseismic Receiver Functions: Implication for Regional Crust Evolution [J]. Journal of Earth Science, 29(6), 1419-1430.[SCI]
Zhang, Y., Ping, P.,Zhang, S. X., Deng, P., 2017. Comparative analysis on spatiotemporal pore pressure evolution under surface–wave perturbations [J]. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 92: 596-603.[SCI]
Shen, Z. Y., Shen, W. B.,Zhang, S. X., 2017. Determination of Gravitational Potential at Ground Using Optical-Atomic Clocks on Board Satellites and on Ground Stations and Relevant Simulation Experiments [J]. Surveys in Geophysics, 38(4): 757-780.[SCI]
Wu, T. F.,Zhang, S. X., Li, M. K., Qin, W. B., Zhang, C. Y., 2016. Two crustal flowing channels and volcanic magma migration underneath the SE margin of the Tibetan Plateau as revealed by surface wave tomography [J]. Journal of Asian Earth Science, 132:25-29.[SCI]
秦维秉,张双喜, 李孟奎, 张煜, 张晨, 张朝玉.2016.城市地噪声场的多元分离方法[J].武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 41(12):1690-1695.[EI]
Shen, Z. Y., Shen, W. B.,Zhang, S. X., 2016. Formulation of geopotential difference determination using optical-atomic clocks onboard satellites and on ground based on Doppler cancellation system[J]. Geophysical Journal International, 206:1162-1168.[SCI]
Li, M.K.,Zhang, S. X., Wang, F., Wu, T. F., Qin, W. B., 2016. Crustal and upper-mantle structure of the southeastern Tibetan Plateau from joint analysis of surface wave dispersion and receiver functions[J]. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 117:52-63.[SCI]
Zhang, S. X., Zhang, C., Zhang, Y., Zhang, C. Y., Liu, L. X., Li, M. K.,2015. Recovering period of postseismic fluid pressure in fault valve[J]. Journal of Earth Science, 26(4):530-536.[SCI]
Li, M. K.,Zhang, S. X., Zhang, C., Zhang, Y.,2015. Lushan Earthquake retrieved based on GPS coseismic displacements[J]. Journal of Earth Science, 26(4):537-547.[SCI]
张煜, 徐义贤, 夏江海,张双喜,平萍, 2015.含流体孔隙介质中面波的传播特性及应用[J]. 地球物理学报, 58(08): 2759-2778.[SCI]
Zhang, Y.,Zhang, S. X., Xia, J. H.,2014. Transient responses of porous media under moving surface impulses[J], International Journal of Solids and Structures, 51(3-4): 660-672.[SCI]
Zhang, Y.,Zhang, S. X., Xu, Y. X., Xia, J. H., Ping, P.,2014. On dispersive propagation of surface waves in patchy saturated porous media[J]. Wave Motion, 51(8): 1225-1236.[SCI]
Zhang, Y., Xu, Y. X., Xia, J. H., Ping, P.,Zhang, S. X.,2014. Viscoelastic representation of surface waves in patchy saturated media[J]. Earthquake Science, 27(4): 421-431.
Zhang, Y.,Zhang, S. X., Xia, J. H.,2014. Transient responses of porous media under moving surface impulses[J]. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 51(3-4): 660-672.[SCI]
张晨,张双喜, E. Carminati, 高冰玉,2014. 日本海沟俯冲带热结构与深源地震[J]. 地球物理学报, 57(10): 3208-3217.[SCI]
张晨,张双喜, 2014.基于随温度变化的热系数模拟板块俯冲动力学过程[J]. 地震学报, 2014, (05): 872-882。
刘思莹,张双喜, 李孟奎, 彭超,2014.利用波场模拟方法检验修正瑞雷波频散曲线[J].武汉大学学报(信息科学版),39 (03): 283-286。[EI]
彭超,张双喜, 李孟奎, 刘思莹,2014.瑞雷波多模频散的方位各向异性特征[J].武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 39(02): 157-160.[EI]
Representative Papers Before 2012 [2012年前代表作]
Zhang, S. X., Zhang, C.,2012. Simulation of Fault -Valve Effect of Wenchuan Earthquake, submitted to Terrestrial[J]. Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (TAO).[SCI]
Zhang, S. X., Li, M. K.,2011.Influence of Uneven Trace Spacing on Rayleigh Wave Dispersion. Journal of Earth Science[J].22(2): 231-240.[SCI]
Zhang, S. X., 2011. Effective Dispersion Curve and Pseudo Multimode Dispersion Curve for Rayleigh Wave[J]. Journal of Earth Science,22(2):226-230.[SCI]
Zhang, S. X., Wang, Y., Zhou, H. W., Chan, L. S., 2009. Dispersion splitting of Rayleigh waves in layered azimuthally anisotropic media[J]. Journal of Applied Geophysics 67(2):130-142.[SCI]
Zhang, S. X., Chan, L. S., Xia, J. H., 2004. The selection of field acquisition parameters for dispersion images from multichannel surface wave data[J]. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 161:185-201.[SCI]
Liu Q., Chan L., Liu Q., Li H., Wang F.,Zhang, S. X., Xia X., Cheng T., 2004. Relationship between Magnetic Anomalies and Hydrocarbon Microseepage above the Jingbian Gas Field, the Ordos Basin, China[J]. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 88 (2): 241-251.
Zhang, S. X., 2004. Apparent phase velocities of Rayleigh waves, Progress in Environmental and Engineering Geophysics: Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, ICEEG 2004, 102-105.
Zhang, S. X, Chan, L. S., 2003, Possible effects of misidentified mode number on Rayleigh wave inversion[J]. Journal of Applied Geophysics 53:17-29.[SCI]
Zhang, S. X., Chan, L. S., Chen, C.Y., Dai, F. C., Shen, X. K., Zhong, H., 2003, Apparent phase velocities and fundamental mode phase velocities of Rayleigh waves[J]. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 23:563-569.[SCI]
Liu, S.,Zhang, S. X.,Li, J. F., 2001, Investigation of a landslide in the new site of Badong County by integrated geophysical survey[J]. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences,44:426-436.[SCI]
➤Selected Conference Reports(部分学术会议报告)
张双喜,汪海洪,张驰,李庆隆, 2019,武汉市地壳稳定性多要素地球物理调查.中国地球科学联合学术年会,北京,10.26-30.
Zhang,S. X., Zou,C. Y., Zhang, Z., Li, M. K., Wu, T. F, Hua, Y. J., Tang, J., Zhang, C,.2019. Precise Estimation of Subsurface Moisture Content based on 3D GPR Field Survey. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA. 9-13 Dec.
Zhang,S. X.,2019, Dielectric Parameters in Sponge City Reconstruction. 10thTibXS, Lugu Lake, Sichuan, China. 10-14 Aug.
张双喜,吴腾飞, 李孟奎, 张煜,滑玉琎, 张波等,特邀报告,2018,基于面波各向异性层析成像研究东喜马拉雅构造结岩石圈结构及形变特征.中国地球科学联合学术年会,北京,10.21-24.
张双喜,邹晨阳, 邵振峰等,2018,基于 3D 探地雷达反射波精准估计城市近地表土湿度.中国地球科学联合学术年会,北京,10.21-24.
张双喜, 2018, 特邀报告,城市土壤圈海绵指标的地球物理试验.湖北省地球物理学会-工程地球物理发展战略研讨会,武汉,11.14-16.
Zhang, S. X.,Hua, Y. J., Li, M. K., Wu, T. F., 2018, The formation of Tenchong Volcano.9th TibXS, Zhangye, Gansu, China, 6-10 Aug.
Shuangxi Zhang,Tengfei Wu, Mengkui Li, Yu Zhang, Yujin Hua, Bo Zhang,The Evolution of Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis of Tibetan Plateau. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, USA. 11-15 Dec. 2017.
Shuangxi Zhang,Geophysical features of EHS,8th TibXS,August 21-25, 2017,Mohe County, Daxinganling District, Heilongjiang, China.
张双喜, EHS 地球物理特征研究,特邀报告,喜马拉雅东构造结研讨会,云南腾冲, 2017, 9, 22-24.
张双喜,吴腾飞, 李孟奎, 张煜,滑玉琎, 张波等,基于面波相速度与方位各向异性研究东喜马拉雅构造结的特征,中国地球科学联合学术年会,北京,2017,10,15-18.
张双喜, 青藏高原地壳及上地幔物质迁移加速模式. “中国区域地震学参考模型”基金申请交流会, 中国合肥, 1.17.
张双喜,2016, 主题特邀报告,城市地球物理进展.香港-大陆城市地球物理国际学术研讨会,中国深圳,12.11-12.
Zhang,S. X., 2016, Crustal Flow in Yunnan Area. IPACES 2016, Wuhan China, 18-19 Jun.
张双喜, 2016,云南区域地壳流证据.第四届青藏东北缘构造与地球物理研讨会,西藏林芝, 8.9-11.
Zhang,S. X.,2015, Crustal and Upper-mantle Structure of Southeastern Tibetan Plateau Inverted by Joining Surface Wave Dispersion and Receiver Function. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 14-18 Nov.
Zhang,S. X.,Zhang, Y., 2015, A homotopy inversion for Rayleigh waves. SEG Annual Meeting, HAWAII, USA, 18-21 Oct.
Zhang,S. X,Li, M. K.,2015, Fault Slip Model of 2013 Lushan Earthquake Retrieved Based on GPS Coseismic Displacements. 26th IUGG General Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic,June 22- July 2.
Zhang,S. X.,2015, Simulation of the thermal structure of Japan Sea subduction slab. International Conference on Understanding East-Central Asian Tectonics and Western Pacific Geodynamics, Wuhan, China, 5-9 Jun.
Zhang,S. X., Zhang, C.,2014, Factors influencing the dynamics of slab subduction based on temperature-dependent thermal coefficients. 3rd International Conference on Earth Science & Climate Change, San Francisco, California, USA, 28-30 Jul.
Zhang,S. X.,2014, Factors influencing slab dynamics based on temperature dependent thermal coefficients. International Workshop on “Geophysical Imaging of Subsurface Reservoirs and Fluids”, Qingdao, China, 4-6 Jul.
Zhang,S. X., Zhang, C., Liu, L.X.,2014, Hot Issues on Subduction Geodynamics. 5th TibXS Workshop, Guiyang, Guizhou, China, 10-16 Aug.
2013 before
Zhang,S. X., Zhang, C., Gao, B. Y.,2013, Dynamic effects of the subduction zone in Japen sea. 2013 TibXS Internationl Workshop,Xinjiang, China.
Zhang,S. X., Zhang, C., Gao, B. Y., Li, M. K.,2012, Material & Energy Exchange at Subduction Zone. 2012 TibXS International Workshop, Chengdu, China.
Zhang,S. X., Zhang, C., 2012, Simulation on interseismic deformation of Wenchuan earthquake. 2012 TibXS International Workshop, Chengdu, China.
Li, M. K.,Zhang,S. X., 2012, Reliability of W-phase source inversion to 2012 Northern Xinjiang Earthquake. 2012 TibXS International Workshop, Chengdu, China.
张双喜、张晨,2012, 不同地幔对流模式下日本海俯冲带热模拟与深源地震研究.中国地球物理年会,北京。
Zhang,S. X., Zhang, C,.2011, Simulation on Geothermal Anomaly before Wenchuan Earthquake. Proceedings of 25th IUGG. Melbourne, Australia, June 28- July 7.
Zhang,S. X., Zhang, C..2011, The Influence of the Fault Dip Angle in Wenchuan Earthquake Proceedings. 2011 TibXS, Xining, China, 22-26 Jul.
Zhang,S. X., Zhang, C.,2011, Animation of Fault-valve Effect Proceedings. 2011 TibXS, Xining, China, 22-26 Jul.
Zhang,S. X., Li, M. K.,2011, Is Constructed Dispersion Curve True. 2011 TibXS, Xining, China, 22-26 Jul.
Zhang,S. X.,Zhang, C.,2010, Impact of Tibetan Plateau Deformation on China’s Western Borders. International Workshop on Multiple-scale Geodynamics of Continental Interiors, Wuhan, China, 24 Apr.
Zhang,S. X., Li, M. K.,2010, Influence of Observation Direction on Surface Wave Dispersion Data Construction. International Workshop on Multiple-scale Geodynamics of Continental Interiors, Wuhan, China, 25 Apr.
Zhang,S. X., Xu, Y. Q., Zhan, J., Dispersion Features of the Ambient Noises Observed at Wuhan Jiangtan Park. International Workshop on Multiple-scale Geodynamics of Continental Interiors, Wuhan, China, 26 Apr.
Zhang,S. X.,Xie, P., Xie, Z., 2009. Case Study of RTK-GPS Systematic Accuracy under Typhoon Condition. International workshop on gravity, GPS and satellite altimetry observations of Tibet, Xinjiang and Siberia (TibXS)(IWGS), Urumqi, Xinjiang, 20-22 Aug.
Zhang,S. X.,Xie, P., Xie, Z., 2009, Utilization of Pseudo Multimode Dispersion Curves for Rayleigh Waves. Near Surface 2009– 15th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Dublin, Ireland, 7-9 Sep.
Zhang,S. X., LI, Q. S., Ma, C. M., Xiao, Y. Q., Alex To, Alexis Lee, 2007, Wind and Movement Monitoring System for Two International Financial Centre, Hong Kong. Proceedings of the Thirteen National Structure & Wind Engineering Conference, Dalian Univof Tech,11-14 Oct.
Zhang,S. X., 2006, Integrated Geophysical Survey on Jockey Golf Course, A Case Study. ICEEG, Wuhan, 4-9 June.
Zhang,S. X., 2005, A Case Study of Coastal Subsidence in Hong Kong Reclaimed Land. Conference on Recent Advances in Geological Research of Hong Kong and The Pear River Mouth Region, Hong Kong, 8-10 Dec.
Zhang,S. X., Ivan Mak, Alex Cheung, Liu, C. L., Fang, H., 2005, Electrical Resistivity Imaging for Slope Investigation. Proceeding 118-125, The HKIE Geotechnical Division 25th Annual Seminar: Safe and Green Slopes, Hong Kong, 4 May.
Zhang S.X., 2004, Pitfalls of GPR Survey in Dielectric Property Calibration. Proceedings of the 4th Asian Symposium on Engineering Geology and The Environment, Hong Kong, China, 3-5 May.
Zhang S.X., 2004. Improving Slope Condition Using Buried Water-Carrying Defects. Trenchless Asia 2004 Conference CD, Shanghai, China,20-21 Apr.
Zhang S.X., Zhang, L. S.,2004, Comparison of the apparent and fundamental mode phase velocities of Rayleigh waves. CPS/SEG 2004 International Geophysical Conference, Beijing, 23-26 Jun.
测绘科技进步奖,一等奖,重力场数据的多尺度分析技术及其应用, 2014, 第9完成人.
测绘地理信息教学成果奖,二等奖,大地测量与地球物理专业交叉学科创新性人才培养的改革与实践. 2010,第1完成人。
地质矿产部科技成果奖,三等奖,全波动方程偏移及应用研究,91-KJ-26-1, 1991. 第1完成人。
地质矿产部科技成果奖,三等奖,地震相自动模糊识别,91-KJ-27-3, 1991. 第3完成人。
➤Professional Responsibilities