报告题目:1. 3D LiDAR Aided (3DLA) Urban GNSS Positioning for Autonomous Systems in Urban Canyons
2. 一种基于差分陀螺仪量测信息的系统零偏估计方法
报 告 人:文伟松 教授,香港理工大学;
杨诚 副教授,中国地质大学(北京)
邀 请 人:李星星 教授
报告时间:2024 年 7 月 4 日 9:00
1. Weisong Wen (Member, IEEE) received a BEng degree in Mechanical Engineering from Beijing Information Science and Technology University (BISTU), Beijing, China, in 2015, and an MEng degree in Mechanical Engineering from the China Agricultural University, in 2017. After that, he received a PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), in 2020. He was also a visiting PhD student with the Faculty of Engineering, University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley) in 2018. Before joining PolyU as an Assistant Professor in 2023, he was a Research Assistant Professor at AAE of PolyU since 2021. He has published 30 SCI papers and 40 conference papers in the field of GNSS (ION GNSS+) and navigation for Robotic systems (IEEE ICRA, IEEE ITSC), such as autonomous driving vehicles. He won the innovation award from TechConnect 2021, the Best Presentation Award from the Institute of Navigation (ION) in 2020, and the First Prize in Hong Kong Section in Qianhai-Guangdong-Macao Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition in 2019 based on his research achievements in 3D LiDAR aided GNSS positioning for robotics navigation in urban canyons. The developed 3D LiDAR-aided GNSS positioning method has been reported by top magazines such as Inside GNSS and has attracted industry recognition with remarkable knowledge transfer.
2. 杨诚,中国地质大学(北京)土地科学技术学院副教授,2017年于香港理工大学土地测量及地理资讯学系获博士学位。长期从事GNSS数据处理,多源传感器组合定位算法,非线性滤波算法,以及自适应抗差估计理论等方向的科研工作。先后主持和参与了国家自然科学基金青年基金、面上基金和国家重点研发计划子课题等项目。在《Journal of Geodesy》《GPS Solutions》等国际期刊发表多篇学术论文。担任中国大地测量与导航专业委员会委员、国际大地测量协会中国委员会委员;《Satellite Navigation》期刊青年编委;《导航定位学报》编委。担任《Measurement Science and Technology》期刊客座编辑。