徐晓华教授 徐晓华,女,1976年出生于湖北利川,现为武汉大学测绘学院教授,从事卫星导航定位及应用方面的教学和科研工作。主持和参与国家自然基金项目、863 项目、省部级项目十余项。主要研究方向为GNSS 气象学。 办公电话:027-68758520 电子邮件:xhxu@sgg.whu.edu.cn 办公地点:武汉大学信息学部4 号楼419 室

徐晓华,女,1976年出生于湖北利川,现为武汉大学测绘学院教授,从事卫星导航定位及应用方面的教学和科研工作。主持和参与国家自然基金项目、863 项目、省部级项目十余项。主要研究方向为GNSS 气象学。



办公地点:武汉大学信息学部4 号楼419 室


1993.09-1997.07 武汉测绘科技大学工程测量专业,攻读学士学位

1997.09-2000.06 武汉测绘科技大学大地测量与测量工程专业,攻读硕士学位

2000.09-2003.12 武汉大学大地测量学与测量工程专业,攻读博士学位


2000.07-2002.09 武汉大学测绘学院助教

2002.10-2008.10 武汉大学测绘学院讲师

2008.11-今 武汉大学测绘学院副教授

2013.11 – 今 武汉大学测绘学院教授

2007.06-2008.05 澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学访问博士后研究

2014.08 – 2015.07 美国大学大气研究联盟(UCAR)访问学者






[1] Xiaohua Xu, Pan Gao, and Xiaohong Zhang, Global Multiple Tropopause Features derived from COSMIC Radio Occultation Data during 2007 to 2012, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, doi: 10.1002/2014JD021620, 2014

[2] Xiaohong Zhang, Pan Gao, and Xiaohua Xu, “Variations of the Tropopause Over Different Latitude Bands Observed Using COSMIC Radio Occultation Bending Angles”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 52(5), 2339-2349, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2013.2259632, 2014

[3] 徐晓华, 高攀, 张小红, 利用COSMIC掩星弯曲角数据分析中国区域对流层顶结构变化,地球物理学报, 56 (8), 2531-2541,2013(SCI)

[4] Xiaohua Xu, Jia Luo, Kefei Zhang, An Analysis of the Structure and Variation of the Tropopause over China with GPS Radio Occultation Data,Journal of Navigation, 64, S103–S111, 2011 (SCI)

[5] Xiaohua Xu, Jia Luo, and Chuang Shi, Comparison of COSMIC Radio Occultation Refractivity Profiles with Radiosonde Measurements, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences (AAS), 26(6), 1137-1145, 2009 (SCI)

[6] 高攀,徐晓华,张小红. 利用掩星弯曲角协方差变换法确定对流层顶,电波科学学报,已接收.

[7] 高攀,徐晓华,张小红,吕翠仙. 利用GPS掩星弯曲角确定对流层顶高度, 武汉大学学报?信息科学版,37(12), 1417-1420, 2012.

[8] 许超钤,史俊波,郭际明,徐晓华. 联合地基GPS和空基COSMIC掩星的可降水量研究. 武汉大学学报?信息科学版,36(4), 467-470, 2011.

[9] 徐晓华,Zhang Kefei,汪海洪. 不同季节GPS掩星廓线精度的比较研究. 武汉大学学报?信息科学版, 35 (6), 639-643, 2010

[10] 徐晓华,Zhang Kefei,罗佳,Fu Erjiang. GPS掩星与探空观测统计比较中配对标准的比较研究. 武汉大学学报?信息科学版, 34 (11), 1332-1335, 2009

[11] 徐晓华,罗佳. COSMIC掩星折射指数廓线的统计验证. 武汉大学学报?信息科学版, 34(02), 214-217, 2009

[12] Fu E., Zhang K., Marion K., Xu, X., Le Marshall J. Rea A., Weymouth G. and Kuleshov Y. “Assessing COSMIC GPS radio occultation derived atmospheric parameters using Australian radiosonde network data”, Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 1(1), 1054-1059, Elsevier Publishing House, 2009

[13] Zhang K, Fu E., Xu, X., Liou Y., Le Marshall J. and Kuleshov Y. “A Study of Collocation Criteria of GNSS COSMIC Radio Occultation and Radiosonde Comparisons”, Proceedings of International IGNSS Symposium, Qld, Australia, 1 – 3 December, 2009

[14] 徐晓华, Zhang Kefei, Fu Erjiang, 罗佳. 澳大利亚上空COSMIC掩星廓线的反演. 武汉大学学报?信息科学版, 33(08), 800-804, 2008

[15] Xiaohua Xu, Zhenghang Li, Jia Luo. Simulation of the Impacts of Single LEO Satellite Orbit Parameters on the Distribution and Number of Occultation Events?, Geo-Spatial Information Science, 9(1), 13-17, 2006.

[16] Xiaohua Xu, Zhenghang Li, Jia Luo. Correction on the Effect of Earth’s Oblateness in the Inversion of GPS Occultation data, Geo-spatial Information Science, 8(4), 247-250,2005.

[17] 徐晓华,李征航,罗佳, LEO星座参数对GPS掩星数量和时空分布影响的模拟研究,测绘学报,34(4), 305-311,2005

[18] 徐晓华,李征航,罗佳, GPS掩星数据反演中的地球扁率影响改正,武汉大学学报?信息科学版, 30(06),502-505, 2005

[19] 徐晓华,李征航,罗佳, 单颗LEO卫星轨道参数对GPS掩星事件分布和数量影响的模拟研究, 武汉大学学报?信息科学版, 30(07),609-612, 2005

[20] 徐晓华, 李征航,罗佳, 利用GPS/MET与CHAMP掩星资料反演地球中性大气参数的比较,武汉大学学报,信息科学版,29(3), 214-217,2004

[21] 徐晓华, 李征航,罗佳, 利用GPS掩星资料反演地球中性大气参数折射角方法研究,武汉大学学报,信息科学版,28(5), 589-592,2003

[22] 李征航,徐晓华,罗佳, 朱智勤, 利用GPS 观测反演三峡地区对流层湿延迟的分布及变化,武汉大学学报?信息科学版, 28(4), 393-396,2003

[23] 李征航,徐晓华,全球定位系统(GPS)技术的最新进展第六讲——GPS气象学,测绘信息与工程,28(2),29-33,2003.

[24] 徐晓华,李征航, GPS气象学研究的最新进展,黑龙江工程学院学报,16(1), 14-18,2002.

[25] 徐晓华, 熊剑, 罗佳. 利用Huffman算法对RINEX格式GPS观测文件进行压缩. 测绘信息与工程,2002, 27(5): 21~22.

[26] 徐晓华、李征航、罗佳,隔河岩大坝GPS形变监测数据的分析,测绘信息与工程,2001年第3期:30~33.



Name: Xiaohua Xu

Title: Dr., Prof.

Phone: +86-27-68758520

Fax: +86-27-68778371

Email: xhxu@sgg.whu.edu.cn


2000-2003: Ph.D. in Geodesy & Engineering Surveying, School of Geodesy & Geomatics, Wuhan University

1997-2000: M.S. in Geodesy & Engineering Surveying, Wuhan Technical University of Surveying & Mapping

1993-1997: B.S. in Engineering Surveying, Wuhan Technical University of Surveying & Mapping

Professional Employment

Dec. 2013-Present: Professor, School of Geodesy & Geomatics, Wuhan University

Dec. 2008- Nov. 2013: Associate Professor, School of Geodesy & Geomatics, Wuhan University

Nov. 2002- Nov. 2008: Lecturer, School of Geodesy & Geomatics, Wuhan University

Sept. 2000- Oct. 2002: Teaching assistant, School of Geodesy & Geomatics, Wuhan University

Aug. 2014- Jul. 2015: Visiting Scholar, UCAR, U.S.A

Jun. 2007- May 2008: Visiting Scholar, RMIT University, Australia

Research Interests

GNSS Meteorology


1. Xiaohua Xu, Pan Gao, and Xiaohong Zhang, Global Multiple Tropopause Features derived from COSMIC Radio Occultation Data during 2007 to 2012, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, doi: 10.1002/2014JD021620,2014

2. Xiaohong Zhang, Pan Gao, and Xiaohua Xu, “Variations of the Tropopause Over Different Latitude Bands Observed Using COSMIC Radio Occultation Bending Angles”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 52(5), 2339-2349, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2013.2259632, 2014

3. Xiaohua Xu, Pan Gao, and Xiaohong Zhang, “Structure and Variation of the Tropopause over China with COSMIC Radio Occultation Bending Angles”, Chinese Journal of Geophysics-Chinese Edition, 56(8), 2531-2541, 2013 (in Chinese)

4. Xiaohua Xu, Jia Luo, and Kefei Zhang, “An Analysis of the Structure and Variation of the Tropopause over China with GPS Radio Occultation Data”, Journal of Navigation, 64, S103–S111, 2011

5. Xiaohua Xu, Jia Luo, and Chuang Shi, “Comparison of COSMIC Radio Occultation Refractivity Profiles with Radiosonde Measurements”, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences (AAS), 26(6), 1137-1145, 2009

6. Pan Gao, Xiaohua Xu, and Xiaohong Zhang, ” Identification of the Tropopause Height using the Covariance Transform Method from GPS Radio Occultation Bending Angles “, Chinese Journal of Radio Science, 28(6), 1041-1046, 2013

7. Pan Gao, Xiaohua Xu, Xiaohong Zhang and Cuixian Lv, “Identification of Tropopause Height from GPS Radio Occultation Bending Angle Profile”, Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 37(12), 1417-1420, 2012 (in Chinese)

8. Xiaohua Xu, Jia Luo, and Kefei Zhang, “Study of the Precision of GPS Radio Occultation Profiles in Different Seasons over the Antarctica”, Proceedings of CPGPS 2010 Navigation and Location Services: Emerging Industry and International Exchanges. August, 2010. Shanghai, China (in Chinese)

9. Xiaohua Xu, Kefei Zhang, and Haihong Wang, “Comparison of the Precision of GPS Radio Occultation Profiles in Different Seasons”, Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 35 (6), 639-643, 2010 (in Chinese)

10. Xiaohua Xu, Kefei Zhang, Jia Luo, and Erjiang Fu. “Research on the Collocation Criteria in the Statistical Comparisons of GPS Radio Occultation and Radiosonde Observations”, Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 34 (11), 1332-1335, 2009 (in Chinese)

11. Xiaohua Xu, and Jia Luo. “Statistical Validation of COSMIC Radio Occultation Refractivity Profiles”, Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 34(02), 214-217, 2009 (in Chinese)

12. Fu E., Zhang K., Marion K., Xu, X., Le Marshall J. Rea A., Weymouth G. and Kuleshov Y. “Assessing COSMIC GPS radio occultation derived atmospheric parameters using Australian radiosonde network data”, Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 1(1), 1054-1059, Elsevier Publishing House, 2009

13. Zhang K, Fu E., Xu, X., Liou Y., Le Marshall J. and Kuleshov Y. “A Study of Collocation Criteria of GNSS COSMIC Radio Occultation and Radiosonde Comparisons”, Proceedings of International IGNSS Symposium, Qld, Australia, 1 – 3 December, 2009

14. Xiaohua Xu, Kefei Zhang, Erjiang Fu and Jia Luo. “Inversion of Atmospheric Profiles with COSMIC Radio Occultation Data over Australia”, Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 33 (8), 800-804, 2008 (in Chinese).

15. Xiaohua Xu, and Jia Luo. “Validation of COSMIC RO profiles with radiosonde soundings”, in Proc. International Conference on Earth Observation Data Processing and Analysis (ICEODPA), SPIE, Wuhan, Dec. 28-30, 2008

16. Fu E, Zhang K, Wu F, Xu X., Marion K, Rea A, Kuleshov Y and Weymouth G. An Evaluation of GNSS Radio Occultation Technology for Australian Meteorology, J of Global Positioning Systems, 6 (1), 74-79, 2008

17. Xiaohua Xu, Kefei Zhang, Falin Wu, and Erjiang Fu, “The Impact of LEO Satellites’ Orbital Parameters on the Pattern of the GPS-LEO Radio Occultation Occurrence”, Proceedings of International Global Navigation Satellite Systems Society (IGNSS) Symposium 2007, Sydney, December 4-6, 2007

18. Xiaohua Xu, Zhenghang Li, and Jia Luo. “Simulation of the Impacts of Single LEO Satellite Orbit Parameters on the Distribution and Number of Occultation Events”, Geo-Spatial Information Science, 9(1), 13-17, 2006

19. Xiaohua Xu, Zhenghang Li, and Jia Luo. “Correction on the Effect of Earth’s Oblateness in the Inversion of GPS Occultation data”, Geo-spatial Information Science, 8(4), 247-250, 2005

20. Xiaohua Xu, Zhenghang Li, and Jia Luo. “Simulation Research on the Impact of LEO constellation’s Parameters on the Number and Space-time Distribution of GPS Occultation Events”, Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica 34 (4), 305-311, 2005 (in Chinese).

21. Xiaohua Xu, Zhenghang Li, and Jia Luo. “The comparison of Earth’s neutral atmospheric parameters inversed with GPS/MET data and CHAMP data”, Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 29(3), 214-217,2004 (in Chinese).

22. Zhenghang Li, Xiaohua Xu, Jia Luo, and Zhiqin Zhu. “Inversion of the Distribution and Variation of ZWD over the Three Gorge Area with GPS Observation”, Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 28(4), 393-396, 2003 (in Chinese).

23. Xiaohua Xu, Zhenghang Li, and Jia Luo. “Inversion of Earth’s Neutral Atmospheric Parameters and bending angles with GPS Occultation data”, Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 28(5), 589-592, 2003 (in Chinese).

24. Xiaohua Xu, Jian Xiong and Jia Luo. “The compression of GPS data file in RINEX format with Huffman algorithm”, Journal of Geomatics, 27(5), 21-22, 2002 (in Chinese).

25. Xiaohua Xu and Zhenghang Li. “The Advanced Development on the Research of GPS Meteorology”, Journal of Heilongjiang Institute of Technology, 16(1), 14-18, 2002 (in Chinese).

26. Xiaohua Xu, Zhenghang Li and Jia Luo. “Analysis of GPS Monitoring Data For Geheyan Dam Deformation” , Journal of Geomatics, 95, 30-33, 2001 (in Chinese).