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2019年12月13日“坚白”学术论坛(2019年第13期) 时间:2019-12-11


报 告 人:冯 晨 助理教授,纽约大学

邀 请 人:李星星 教授




冯晨博士本科毕业于武汉大学,后于密歇根大学获得硕士与博士学位。在密歇根大学期间学习研究机器视觉与机器学习,及其在建筑工程中的应用。毕业后在波士顿MERL研究所计算机视觉组任研究员,专注于视觉SLAM以及深度学习方向。2018年8月加入纽约大学,同时担任机械与航空工程系和建筑与市政工程系助理教授。其实验室AI4CE的研究目标是发展机器视觉与学习的方法来解决传统工程领域里的具有挑战性的问题。其研究成果发表于CVPR/ECCV/ICRA/IROS等计算机视觉与机器人国际会议。更多信息见实验室主页: https://ai4ce.github.io/ 。


Dr. Chen Feng earned his Bachelor's degree in geospatial engineering from Wuhan University in China. Then he went to the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor and earned a master's degree in electrical engineering and a Ph.D. in civil engineering in 2015, where he studied robotic vision and learning and attempted to apply them in civil engineering. After graduation, he became a research scientist in the computer vision group at the Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs (MERL), focusing on visual SLAM and deep learning. In 2018 August, he became an assistant professor jointly in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and the Department of Civil and Urban Engineering in New York University Tandon School of Engineering, where his lab AI4CE (A-I-force) aims to advance robotic vision and machine learning through multidisciplinary use-inspired research that originates from civil/mechanical engineering domains. More information can be found at https://ai4ce.github.io/.
